A little about me:



I went to school to become a crime tech, emphasizing in trace evidence and blood spatter analysis. Did a lot of physics and chemistry. Made it to senior year... and dropped out. As it turns out, when you have a mood disorder and you lose access to your medication, things tend to go poorly for you. Plus, I saw firsthand how law enforcement officers are trained in the US, so I was pretty disillusioned from the idea of working in forensics. So I switched professions, moved across the state, got married, and got my life back together. Beyond that, I'm just trying to find the things that make me happy and share them with the world.

Pronouns They/Them
Native Language English
Other Languages German (a bit rusty tbh, Hochdeutch specifically)
Spanish (from my spouse, also pretty bad)
Age 29
Profession Sanitation head at a food manufacturer



I'm getting tired of lists, so until I figure out better coding, I'm just going to make this one a paragraph. My favorite color is gray. I'm into nature, symbology, chemistry, and writing. Definitely talk to me about gardening, pets, your newest exercise routine, and whatever you're into. I like seeing people passionate about their interests!

Don't Even Start With Me On